The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Stay In Shape – With Skechers Shape-Ups


Hi girls, I bought these shape-ups some time ago, and I´ve mentioned them in a previous post, but now I’ve been using them for a while and I see the results. First of all I´m in better shape, but more important, I don´t have so much pain in my back as I used to in my work as a flight attendant. A 30-minute power-walk makes me feel better and gives me the energy to face the day I have ahead. I have to admit that the first day I put them on it felt a bit strange trying to find the balance but this is the secret of these fabulous shoes. Give them a try!


Ciao ragazze, e´da tempo che ho comprato le shape-ups e ve ne ho un po´parlato in un post precedente ma, adesso che l´ho usate per un periodo di tempo,  posso dire che noto i risultati, mi sento piu´in forma ma, sopratutto mi ha aiutato con il mio mal di schiena che,  con il mio lavoro soffro giornalmente. Una passeggiata di almeno 30 minuti a buon passo,  mi fa sentire meglio e mi da l’energia necessaria per affrontare la giornata. Devo ammettere,  che il primo giorno che le ho indossate mi sentivo strana a camminare perche´ fanno “dondolare” il piede ma, questo e´certamente il segreto di queste meravigliose scarpe. Provaci anche tu!


Hola chicas, hace tiempo he comprado le shape-ups y os he hablado de ellas en un post anterior, pero ahora que llevo un tiempo usándolas, puedo decir que veo los resultados, me siento más en forma pero, sobre todo me han ayudado en mi dolores de espalda que sufro a diario en mi trabajo. Un paseo de 30 minutos con paso rápido, me hace sentir mejor y me da la energía necesaria para hacer frente al día que tengo por delante. Tengo que admitir que el primer día que me las puse, me sentía un poco rara por el balanceo que provocan pero es este el secreto de estas fabulosas zapatillas. Pruébalas tu también!

Comments on: "Stay In Shape – With Skechers Shape-Ups" (6)

  1. Marie, Chelsea, Jill said:

    Hi, you seem to be in a very good shape. Does these sneakers really work and how much are they?

  2. I never heard of these sneakers, what´s so special about them?

    • To get the full information I´d suggest that you enter the site of Skechers, you´ll the link below, but according to them they “maximize calorie burn, firm buttocks and improve posture”

  3. Stella R said:

    Judging by the picture of you it seems to work!

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