The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Styling Andrea – Like A Princess


Once there was a princess … it´s like a fairy tail, or? When we shot these photos of Andrea is was getting darker and the location was next to a small forest so (don´t ask me why) we came to think of a fairy tale in blue. A blue fairy tale??!! Yes, it’s true, blue is often a part of my dreams. What about you, do you dream in colour?


C’era una volta una principessa che…é come un sogno, vero? Il giorno che decisi di fare queste foto ad Andrea (in Spagna é usato come nome da donna), era quasi al calar del sole, il luogo da noi scelto per le foto era vicino ad un bosco é tutto ci ha trasportato, senza ben saperlo a pensare in una favola blú. Una favola blú?!! Sí, proprio così, quando sogno spesso sogno a colori e, il blú ricorre spesso nei miei sogni. E, tu sogni a colori?


Había una vez una princesa que … es como un cuento ¿verdad? El día en que decidimos tomar estas fotos para Andrea, fue casi al atardecer, el lugar que elegimos estaba cerca de un bosque y todo esto nos llevó, sin saber bien el porqué, a pensar en una fábula azul. Un cuento de hadas azul?! Sí, es cierto, cuando sueño, me ocurre de  sueñar a menudo de color azul, color que recurre a menudo en mis sueños. ¿Y, tú sueñas en color?

Skirt & Top – Massimo Dutti  / Sunglasses – Michael Kors / Sandals – no brand / Necklace – Aita / Bracelet – H&M / Ring – eNe


Comments on: "Styling Andrea – Like A Princess" (5)

  1. I like that feeling of the look, the pictures and the model. Great! I almost forgot… I dream in color.

  2. I understand what you mean, it´s a “fairy-tale-feeling” about these photos. The look is very nice Daniela and the model is so beautiful. :-)

  3. Marie, Chelsea, Gill said:

    We like!!! M C G

  4. Anette Larsson said:

    I like the top and the hair style is very nice as well. Anette

  5. I like the “grungy touch” of this look. Cool! Steven

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