The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

The Brandery – On The Catwalk

Veneno en la Piel


It´s been a long but interesting day today (well actually it´s already Saturday now) and I´m very tired but I promised you some shots from the catwalk at The Brandery and here is a teaser, there will be more over the next couple of days. Good Night!


Oggi e´stata una giornata intensa, infatti siamo ormai arrivati a sabato; sono estenuata ma, come avevo promesso volevo solo farvi vedere alcune delle foto scattate in giornata delle varie sfilate nel recinto feriale The Brandery ed eccovene un assaggio, nei prossimi giorni ve ne faró vedere delle altre; per ora vi do la buonanotte!


Hoy ha sido un día intenso y por cierto ya es sábado, estoy muy cansada pero, como os habia prometido os quería enseñar algunas de las fotos sacada en el recinto ferial The Brandery y aquí tenéis algunas de ellas, de momento os deseo las buenas noches!

Veneno en la Piel

Veneno en la Piel

Colectivo 1

Colectivo 1

Colectivo 1







Comments on: "The Brandery – On The Catwalk" (8)

  1. Hi, it must be nice to be at a fashion week, to have the oportunuty to see all the fashion shows live. I never heard of the Brand, is it nice?

  2. Belli i vestiti di Veneno en la piel

  3. Anna - Liisa said:

    I like the three first pictures!

  4. Me encantan los vestidos de Veneno En La Piel, son super sexy!!:)

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