The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

On The Soccer Field


The last day of school was very exciting and emotional, the choir was singing, the children received their dipolomas and there was a party. It was a day totally devoted to the joy of the children and it reminded me of my own childhood so I just kicked of my shoes and played on the grass like I used to.


L’ultimo giorno di scuola,  hanno organizzato una festa dove grandi e piccoli abbiamo condiviso momenti di grande gioia ma, anche di grandi emozioni come l’ascolto del Coro e della consegna dei diplomi. Una giornata dedicata completamente ai ragazzi che mi hanno riportato a tempi ormai passati;  per qualche ora mi sono sentita piccina ed anch’io ho giocato sull’erba del campo di calcio a piedi nudi.


El ultimo día de la escuela, han celebrado una fiesta donde grandes y pequeños hemos compartidos momentos de gran alegría y de grandes emociones como asistir a la entrega de los diplomas y de la escucha del Coro. Un día que se dedico’ por completo al disfrute de los niños y que me han recordado tiempos pasados; por algunos momentos me he sentido pequeñita y he jugado sobre la hierba del campo de futbol con los pies al desnudo.

Trousers – Naf Naf / Top – vintage / Shoes – Som-Mits / Bag – no brand

Comments on: "On The Soccer Field" (6)

  1. Andrea Andersson said:

    This is a nice outfit as well, you look great!

  2. Martina said:

    Me encanta tu blog, enhorabuena!

  3. anonymous said:

    You look stunning, how do you find time to do all that you do?

    • First of all thanks for your comment. How do I find time? Well to be totally honest I don´t know myself sometimes but I guess it´s a matter of organizing yourself, anyway I´m always very tired when I finally go to bed.

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