The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

The Cape – A Must Have This Fall

When I was 16 I had a cape that was very comfortable and that I was very found of, and as everything is coming back they are very fashion again this fall after so many years. If you want to be chic and are looking for one you’ll find some models here above that I like very much.

A la edad de 16 años tenia una capa que recuerdo me gustaba mucho y era muy cómoda, ahora después de tantos años ha vuelto a estar de moda y hay que llevarla este otoño. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias que me han gustado mucho.

All’eta’ di 16 anni avevo una mantella nera che ricordo mi piaceva molto ed era molto comoda, ora dopo anni  e’ tornata di moda ed e’ un essenziale per l’autunno.Quí alcune proposte che mi sono piaciute.

Comments on: "The Cape – A Must Have This Fall" (2)

  1. reply: Hi, yes the shoes are suede and they are very comfortable. Have a nice day! Hugs! Nice blog!:)

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