The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Winter Cap With Pompom


If I had to live in Sweden for sure I could not do without a cap as it´s absolutely necessary to have one to cope with the cold. This one is made of wool with some rhinestones here and there and I used it a lot in Stockholm. I saw different types, the most beautiful ones were made of fur but they were rather expensive, even if they were synthetic, and some like mine but with the pompom made of hair. I thought that it was a bit strange that I did not see any felt slouch hats but maybe it´s because in a country where its´s cold and just a few hours of daylight during the winter you want to take advantage of these hours. What about you, what´s you kind of cap?


Se dovessi vivere in Svezia certamente non potrei fare a meno del cappello. È un capo indispensabile per ripararsi dal freddo, questo che indosso è in lana con degli strass quà e là e mi ha fatto molto comodo a Stoccolma. Ne ho visti di diversi, quelli più belli sono in pelliccia e abbastanza cari, anche se sintetici ma, ne ho visti tanti simili al mio con il ponpon in pelliccia, strano mi sono detta, quelli di feltro con ampio revers dovrebbero essere più in voga ma, forse, nei paesi freddi si sente il bisogno di camminare a viso scoperto per approfittare delle poche ore di luce; tu che ne dici? Che tipo di cappello ti piace?


Si tuviese que vivir en Suecia está claro que no podría prescindir del gorro.Es una pieza indispensable, para hacer frente al frío, el que llevo es de lana con unos strass aquí y allá y lo he llevado mucho en Estocolmo. Los he visto de varios tipos, los más bonitos sin duda eran los de pelo y bastante caros, aunque sintéticos, he visto también muchos parecido al mío pero, con el pompón de pelo, raro me dije a mi misma, se debería ver mas los de fieltro con solapa ancha, quizás es porque, en los países fríos se necesita aprovechar de las pocas horas de sol que hay durante el día; y tu que dices? Que tipo de gorro te gusta?

Cap – Flaviamoretti / Coat – Rizzo / Turtleneck – Fornarina / Boots – Nine West / Bag – Furla / Sunglasses – Prada / Leggings – Ginadan

Comments on: "Winter Cap With Pompom" (12)

  1. Anna - Liisa said:

    Sporty look and you wear it well, I get a “after ski” feeling. Did you take these photos in Stockholm?

  2. Guapa!

  3. Marie, Chelsea, Gill said:

    Cosy winter look, you´re stunning as always! MCG

  4. You look great (cool cap) and the pictures are beautiful.

  5. me encanta tu estilo guapa! acabo de descubrir tu blog y me ha encantado! te sigo!! un beso y sigue asi

  6. Anonymous said:

    I´m not really into caps in general and particular not this kind (think they look a bit silly) but I have to admit that you wear it well.

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