The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

We´re Having A Heat Wave


It seems like yesterday when I had to dress from the neck and down to protect myself from the cold and the moisture. I wanted to get rid of heavy wool socks that oppressed me, the scarf around the neck that didn´t let me breath properly and the wool cap that ruined my hair when it was raining. But now I feel free, I enjoy the warm weather and being a bit tanned. I admit that I love shorts although I know my legs are not perfect but I can´t do without them during the summer, besides I think that they match this open-back blouse from Fornarina very well!


Sembra ieri quando imbaccuccata fino al collo dal freddo umido desideravo liberarmi da quelle pesanti calze di lana che mi opprimevano, quella sciarpa intorno al collo che mi faceva quasi soffocare e, che dire del cappello di lana per quei giorni quando la pioggia e il vento non mi permetteva rimanere ben pettinata, ed ora invece mi sento libera, desiderosa di calore e di abbronzatura. Confesso che i pantaloncini corti mi piacciono da morire anche se, so che le mie gambe non sono perfette, non posso farne a meno d’estate e poi, con questo top di Fornarina con la schiena aperta, il  successo é strepitoso!!


Parece que fue ayer cuando tapada hasta el cuello por el frío y la húmedad, deseaba deshacerme de los calcetines de lana pesados ​​que me oprimían, la bufanda alrededor del cuello que casi me ahogaba y ¿qué decir del gorro de lana para los días en que la lluvia y el viento no me dejaban ir bien peinada? Pero ahora me siento libre y con ganas de calor y de estar morena. Admito que los pantalones cortos me encantan pero, aunque sé que mis piernas no son perfectas, no puedo prescindir de ellos en el verano, además con esta blusa escotada en la espalda de Fornarina, me parece un éxito rotundo!

Shorts – Zara / Bag – Custo / Watch – Furla / Butterfly Ring – Accessorize / Sunglasses – Versace / Necklace – H&M / Shoes – Silvian Heach / Blouse - Fornarina / Bracelet – no brand

Comments on: "We´re Having A Heat Wave" (9)

  1. Marie, Chelsea, Gill said:

    Great look Daniela, love the hair! M C G

  2. Steven said:

    Nice combination.

  3. Anette Larsson said:

    You´re looking great, espacially on the last picture!

  4. Carmen said:

    Me gusta!

  5. You´re looking great Daniela, keep it up! Emma

  6. The Fan said:

    I like it as well, cool hair style. What is it, 60´s?

  7. Yeah, cool combination, looking good!

  8. Debbie said:

    Noce look Daniela! Debbie

  9. Anonymous said:

    Not my style!

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