The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

The Brandery – Slazenger


Another well known brand that showed their collection on the catwalk at The Brandery was this British mens-fashion-only. Very simple, comfortable, sporty and classic fashion for those who love sports and make it a lifestyle. I would highlight the shirts in two colours with big stripes, a must this year; stripes are totally right for girls as well and so are the comfy maxi-tees worn with leggings and a cross-body bag. Bermudas seem to be another must… What about yourself, do you like a man in bermudas?


Anche questa famosa marca britannica prettamente maschile ha sfilato sulla passerella The Brandery. Molto semplice, comoda, sportiva e classica, fa vedere una moda per coloro che amano lo sport e che ne fanno il proprio stile di vita. Personalmente ne risalterei le maglie a due colori con strisce oblique più gettonate quest’anno; anche per le donne quest’anno vanno le righe, molto comode risultano le maxi maglie abbinate ai legging e borse a tracolla. Anche i bermuda sembrano essere un must, a voi followers, vi piace l’uomo in bermuda?


También esta conocida firma británica solo para hombre ha desfilado en la pasarela The Brandery. Muy simple, cómoda, deportiva y clasica, nos enseña una moda para aquellos que aman el deporte y que hacen de ello un estilo de vida. Yo destacaría las camisetas con dos colores y con grandes raya oblicua, un must de este año; también para las chicas este año van las rayas, resulta muy cómodo las maxi-camisetas llevada con legging y bolso cruzado. Los bermudas también parecen ser un must, y a vosotras followers, os gusta el hombre en bermuda?

Comments on: "The Brandery – Slazenger" (5)

  1. Not my style but I like the blue cardigan. Nice shots though! B.B.

  2. Sandra said:

    Que chicos mas calientes, gracias Daniela! Besos Sandra

  3. Debbie said:

    My guy is always dressing like this and I have to admit that sometimes I use some of his shirts as they are so comfy. Debbie

  4. Serpil K said:

    Nice show and beautiful photos, lucky you!

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