The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Suede Dress


To be  totally honest, I don´t like to draw the attention when I shot my outfits so I always try to find a quiet place that is not so crowded when possible. These photos were shot around 7 pm and it was very hot so I took the opportunity to wear this light suede dress. Here in Mallorca it´s still warm and even though all shop windows are full of the new fall collections I enjoy wearing my summer wardrobe.


Sinceramente non mi piace richiamare l’attenzione su di me, infatti quando preparo le foto per il mio outfit, cerco sempre un posto lontano dai curiosi ed a ore meno transitate. Quando ho scattato queste foto erano le sette del pomeriggio, faceva ancora caldo, ne ho approfittato per indossare questo vestito in pelle scamosciata leggero, il tempo quí a Maiorca ci regala ancora delle giornate estive stupende ed anche se i negozi  ci offrono  un abbigliamento pressoché autunnale , io mi diverto ancora con i miei capi estivi.


A ser sincera, no me gusta llamar la atención sobre mí y cuando preparo mis outfits, intento siempre buscar sitios un poco apartados y en horarios con pocas afluencia. Cuando he sacado estas fotos eran la siete de la tarde, hacía mucho calor y he aprovechado para llevar este vestido de antelina  ligero, aquí en Mallorca hay días tan espectaculares como el de hoy y aunque las tiendas nos ofrece prendas otoñales, yo me divierto todavía llevando mis prendas veraniega.


Dress – Morgan / Shoes – Sfera / Bag – no brand / Necklace – Mango (pre-fall 2011) / Earrings – vintage / Ring – no brand / sunglasses – Just Cavalli

Comments on: "Suede Dress" (12)

  1. Anonymous said:

    Perfect look, the accessories, the light and last but not least you. Congratulations it´s a pleasure entering your blog!

  2. Serpil K said:

    I´ve always liked this color but not everyone can wear it, anyway on you it looks very nice.

  3. Guapa!

  4. Rose B Andersson said:

    Nice as always Daniela, you’re an inspiration.
    Rose B Andersson

  5. hi darling!!!
    You’re fantastic!!!
    Pass from my blog, I have new post!!!
    If you want we could follow each other!!!Let me know;)

  6. You look really good, as always!

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