The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Today’s Outfit


Today it´s been really sunny here in Palma,  actually it felt like spring so I went for a walk and I noticed that the almond trees are already in bloom! This weekend I´ll probably take a trip inland as it´s so beautiful this time of year. The air, however, is still a bit cold so I put on my coat  from Purification Garcia matching it with green to give the outfit a sport-chic look. Do you like it?


Oggi a Palma di Maiorca splendeva un sole primaverile. Ne ho approfittato per fare una passeggiata ed ho potuto constatare che i mandorli sono già in fiore! Questo fine settimana ne approfitto e mi faccio un’escursione nell’entroterra dell’isola. L’aria comunque é ancora fredda ed ho indossato il mio cappotto di Purificación García dandole un tocco sport-chic con un completo tutto verde. Vi piace?


Hoy en Palma de Mallorca brillava un sol primaveral. Aproveché para darme un paseo y me di cuenta de que los almendros ya están en flor! Este fin de semana voy a hacer una excursión en el interior de la isla. El aire, sin embargo, está frío y me puse mi abrigo de Purificación García dandole un toque sport-chic con un conjunto verde. ¿Te gusta?

Coat – Purificación García / Sunglasses – Prada / Trousers – Stefanel (A/W 2013) / Jumper – Burberrys / Scarf – Codello (A/W2013) / Bag – Yanko / Shoes – Nine West

Comments on: "Today’s Outfit" (8)

  1. Marie, Chelsea, Gill said:

    Nice outfit, you´re looking great!

  2. Molto chic!

  3. Very nice coat, you´re really looking cool!

  4. Looking great as usual Daniela.

  5. I love that coat, very chic and it looks great on you!

  6. Anonymous said:

    You´re looking fantastic!

  7. I love that coat!

  8. Bello questo cappotto,ne ho uno simile..

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