The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Spring Giveaway 2012


Did you like my last post? Well, in my Spring Giveaway 2012 you have the chance to win an identical Panama Hat as the one I´m wearing.

It´s very simple to participate… All you have to do is to leave a comment on any post here on the blog between today and Sunday the 27th of May. I will announce the winner the following day.

Keep in mind that the more comments you leave = bigger chance to winGood Luck to all of you!


Vi è piaciuto il mio ultimo post? Ebbene,eccovi finalmente il mio Spring Giveaway 2012, avrete la possibilità di vincere un cappello Panama Hat identico a quello che indosso nel post.

Partecipare è semplicissimo… Dovete solo lasciarmi un vostro commento in qualsiasi post realizzato nel blog, il concorso incomincerà oggi e finirà Domenica 27 di Maggio, quindi, il giorno dopo annuncerò il vincitore.

Ricordati solo che più commenti mi lasci, più possibilità avrai di vincere.


Os gustó mi último post? Bueno, aquí está por fin mi Spring Giveaway 2012, usted tendrá la oportunidad de ganar un sombrero de Panamá Hat idéntico a lo que llevo en el post.

Partecipar es fácil… Sólo tienes que dejar tus comentarios en los post del blog, el concurso comenzará hoy y terminará el Domingo 27 de mayo, al día siguiente se anunciará el ganador.

Sólo recuerdas que màs comentarios me dejas, màs posibilidades de ganar tendrás .

Comments on: "Spring Giveaway 2012" (40)

  1. Rose B Andersson said:

    I´m in and like I commented on the original post with the hat – you look great!

  2. Katja said:

    I love that hat!

  3. Betty said:

    Very nice with the Panama hat, you’re an inspiration!

  4. Lorna B. said:

    I love the hat. So pretty =)

  5. Marie, Chelsea, Gill said:

    Great hat, stunning look as always Daniela. M C G

  6. Lovely hat (and of course the whole look), your blog is always an inspiration. Emma

  7. Mary B said:

    Not everybody can wear a hat but you do it in style, congratulations! :-)

  8. I want that hat… please, please!

  9. Alain said:

    A Panama hat is always right. I remember that my grandfather used to wear one during the summers when I was a small boy and I have a small collection myself. Nice blog! Alain

  10. Elisabeth said:

    You are so beautiful and stylish in that hat and I like your blog very much. E

  11. You’re looking great and the hat is super!

  12. Robin said:

    Very cool, I love that Panama……..

  13. Alexandra R.H. said:

    Very chic Daniela, I really like it.

  14. J. B. said:

    Very stylish blog style by daniela!

  15. Linda said:

    Perfect pose for the Panama hat! you look great, as always.

  16. Serpil K said:

    I would really like to have one as well (and to see if I will look as great as you)! Serpil

    (Thanks for letting me know that I put the comment on the wrong post)

  17. Natalie L said:


  18. Nadia said:

    I love that photo, you look great and the hat is so cool. I’m looking forward to your next outfit!

  19. I’m in!!!

  20. Rosanna said:

    I participate with great pleasure!

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