The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Trick Or Treat – Halloween 2011


Last night was the night of fear. Ghosts, witches, demons, monsters, skeletons and vampires walked the streets of the city. Halloween is an imported holiday, yes, but foremost a feast for the children, living the illusion to receive candy, trying to scare and to make jokes. I´ve been celebrating this night with my children for several years and as usual we had a great time yesterday. I have to admit that I like it as much as they do and I recognize myself in the happy faces of my kids.


Ieri notte era la festa del terrore, fantasmi, streghe,  diavoli,  mostri, scheletri e vampiri hanno sfilato nelle vie della cittá. Halloween e´una festa importata, sí, ma, sopratutto una festa per i bambini che vivono l’illusione di ricevere carammelle cercando di spaventare e facendo scherzetti. I miei bambini festeggiano la festa da diversi anni ormai, ieri  si sono divertiti moltissimo ma, devo ammettere che anche a me piace tantissimo e mi specchio nei visini allegri dei miei cuccioli.


Anoche fue la fiesta del miedo, fantasmas, brujas, demonios, monstruos, esqueletos y vampiros han desfilado por las calles de la ciudad. Halloween es una fiesta importada, sí, pero sobre todo una fiesta para los niños que viven la ilusión de recibir caramelos tratando de asustar  y gastando bromas. Mis hijos celebran esta fiesta desde hace varios años, ayer lo pasamos muy bien, pero debo admitir que me gusta mucho a mí también y me reflejo en los rostros alegres de mis peques.

Comments on: "Trick Or Treat – Halloween 2011" (12)

  1. Elisabetta said:

    What nice outfit for Halloween, it seems that you really had a good time.

  2. What an outfit, you look like a real celeb!

  3. Que Guapa!

  4. Ti dona questo look per la festa di Halloween!

  5. Claire W S said:

    That dress suites U very well, stunning look. :-)

  6. Anonymous said:

    What a beautiful “witch”!

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