The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Fluorescent Trousers & Butterfly Clip


I like the feeling of walking on fresh green grass,  it´s a feeling of freedom that makes me feel alive. These trousers in a fluorescent colour, from Pedro del Hierro, really highlights your suntan and I believe that matched with a blouse like this one with long wide sleeves and tied in the front it´s a very fashionable outfit. Hair up and a hair clip gives it all a mischievous touch that my husband really liked.


Mi piace tantissimo camminare sull’erba e sentirmi quella sensazione di liberta´che mi avvolge e mi fa sentire viva. Questi pantaloni,  di Pedro del Hierro,  seguono la moda del momento,  sono di un color florescente che fanno risaltare l’abbronzatura e che ho trovato carino con l’abbinamento della camicia bianca con le maniche  a volante e annodata in vita, la farfallina sui capelli tirati all’ insù da quell’aria un po´sbarazzina che a mio marito lo fa impazzire.


Me gusta muchísimo caminar sobre la hierba y sentir aquella sensación de libertad que me envuelve  y me hace sentir viva. Estos pantalones, de Pedro del Hierro, siguen la moda de la temporada actual, son de un color fluoresciente que hacen que el moreno destaque, lo encuentro muy acertado conjuntado con esta camisa con las mangas anchas y atada con un nudo por delante, la mariposa en el pelo recogido me proporciona un aire un poco traviesa que a mi marido le vuelve loco.

Trousers – Pedro del Hierro / Blouse – Aridza Bross / Shoes – Unisa / Necklace – Aita / Ring – no brand / Sunglasses – Vogue / Hair Clip – H&M

Comments on: "Fluorescent Trousers & Butterfly Clip" (14)

  1. I like this outfit, it´s casual yet elegant and it suites you well. I totally agree about walking on the grass, there is nothing better than walking barefoot on a lawn feeling the smell of the grass on a sunny summer day.


  2. Te queda genial, da gusto ver tus looks!
    Besos Paloma

  3. Marie, Chelsea, Jill said:

    Cool look, very sexy!

  4. Beatrice said:

    Tu blog es un rincón lleno de belleza! Que maravilla de pantalones y me encantan los complementos. Besos Beatrice

  5. Anonymous said:

    Great look (you’re absolutely stunning) and these pant really “shine”. The impression is WOW, I just love it! I can´t wait to see your next outfit.

  6. I don´t know if I would buy pants in that color but I have to admit that they look good on you and as always you´re an inspiration with your outfits.

    • Hi Fiona, like I mentioned in a post some time ago one has to be comfortable with what you wear and as well know what suits you and not. I´m glad the you like my outfits and I hope that you´ll keep following me.

  7. Rose B Andersson said:

    Very nice outfit, nice photos, it looks like it´s from a magazine. I wish that I could wear something like that.

  8. Hi, I´m very glad that you like outfit.

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