The Italian Fashion Blog From Stockholm

Dressed For Christmas


I don´t understand why many do not like Christmas. I love this feast which is not only Christian, but a tradition, it´s also a way to stop for a moment to think about who we are and what we do in this world. Family and friends are very important this time of year and we share many memorable moments with them. This Christmas I spent in Sweden, my second home; During Christmas time Stockholm is filled with light, colour and the smell of cinnamon and you bake the famous cookies called pepparkakor that are irreplaceable in Swedish homes. On Christmas Day I chose a dress from Ted Baker in my favorite colour that I combined with red, the traditional Christmas colour. Maybe not a traditional combination of colours, but it certainly lit up the dark.


Non capisco per quale ragione a molti il Natale non piace; invece io adoro queste festa che  non solo e´una tradizione cristiana ma, e´anche un modo per fermarci un momento e pensare al nostro io, chi siamo e cosa facciamo in questo mondo. La famiglia e i nostri cari amici diventano in questi giorni  la cosa piu´importante e condividere con loro momenti indimenticabili. Questo Natale l’ho passato in Svezia , la mia patria di nozze; Stoccolma in questi giorni si riempie di luci, di colori e sopratutto di profumo di cannella e si preparano biscotti chiamati peppor koka che sono insostituibili nei focolai svedesi. Il giorno di Natale,  ho scelto un vestito di Ted Baker del mio colore preferito e l’ho abbinato al rosso, il colore natalizio per antonomasia. Un accostamento di colori forse un po´rischioso ma, senza dubbio, folgorante.


No entiendo por qué a muchos no les gusta la Navidad, a mí me encanta esta fiesta, que no sólo es cristiana, sino que es una tradición; también es una manera de pararse un momento y pensar en nosotros mismos, quiénes somos y qué hacemos en este mundo. La familia y nuestros queridos amigos en estos días, se convierten en lo más importante y compartimos momentos inolvidables con ellos. Esta Navidad la pasé en Suecia, mi segunda patria; Estocolmo en estos días se llena de luces, colores y sobre todo de olor a canela. Se preparan también las galletas que llaman pepparkakor que son insustituibles en los hogares suecos. El día de Navidad elegí un vestido de Ted Baker, de mi color favorito y lo he combinado con el rojo, el color por excelencia de la Navidad. Una combinación de colores un poco arriesgados, pero sin duda, brillante.

Dress – Ted Baker (A/W 2011 / Fur – Rizzo / Scarf - Armani Jeans / Shoes – Albano (A/W 2011) / Clutch – Ted Baker (A/W 2011) / Ring – Swarovski / Bracelet – Corte Inglés / Earrings – Aita / Stockings – Zara (F/W 2011)

Comments on: "Dressed For Christmas" (22)

  1. Absolutely stunning Daniela, you’re the best!

  2. Rose B Andersson said:

    Wow, what an outfit! The combination of colors (red & purple = GREAT), the style and of course you Daniela.

  3. Anne H J said:

    Beautiful outfit, the colors are great and the shoes are stunning! Anne H J

  4. claudia said:

    Ciao Daniela, bellissime le calze? ma di che marca sono, in italia esistono? sono autoreggenti?

    • Ciao Claudia, innanzitutto ti ringrazio per avermi lasciato il commento e, si’ le calze le puoi trovare da Zara e sono collant; ne approfitto per farti gli Auguri di Buon Anno e Buona Epifania ciao a presto

  5. Very beautiful and stylish, I like the combination of colours very much. Nice blog by the way! Ralph

  6. Very nice combination, the contrast between the colors is perfect. Congratulation to some very beautiful shots! Amanda

  7. Muy, muy bonito!

  8. Beaufitul look! You’re abolutley stunning in this outfit, these colors are perfect on you and the photos are great.

  9. Serpil K said:

    Great pictures and those shoes are the most beautiful I´ve ever seen, I envy you.

    • Thanks for your comment, I really like the shoes myself. If you hava a Albano store near you maybe you can find them there otherwise you can have a look at their web.

  10. Zara Lavanski said:

    I looove your look! Very stylish, sensual and the shoes are the icing on the cake, they are so beautiful.

  11. I agree with Serpil and Zara, the shoes are stunning, the design and color is so beautiful. Jackie

    • Yes a lot of people like these ones, even my husband / photographer told me that they are nice. Have a look at Albano’s web where you’ll find other nice models as well.

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